5 Warning Signs of a Gas Leak in Your House

Approximately 177 million households in the US use natural gas. Although gas leaks are not a very common concern, this number indicates some homes might occasionally deal with this. Therefore, knowing the warning signs of a gas leak in your house could save you from a serious tragedy.

While natural gas burns reasonably cleanly, if a problem occurs with the water heaters, stoves, fireplaces, gas pipes, and furnaces, it might be very dangerous.

These 5 warning signs will help you tell if there is a gas leak in your home.

1. Smell of Sulfur

The first tell-tale sign of a gas leak is the smell. Both carbon monoxide and natural gas are odorless by nature. Businesses will add perfumed additives to their supply of natural gas to make the “silent but lethal” killer emit a rotten-egg-like smell instead.

If your house constantly smells sulfuric with no other explanation, you probably have a gas leak.

2. Bubbles of Air Outside Your House

In some cases, underground piping may experience gas leaks outside the residence. Natural gas could leak into the air around you if you notice bubbles in any standing water, including mud and puddles.

3. Hissing Sound from Gas Pipelines and Equipment

You will notice hissing sounds coming from a pipeline or gas equipment if there is a serious gas leak. Even if you switch the appliance off, the noise will still be audible. Additionally, hissing noises from air conditioning units could indicate refrigerant leaks, a faulty compressor, or damaged valves. Anytime you hear a pipe or appliance hissing, call a professional.

4. Dead Plants and Foliage

The atmospheric conditions in your home could be impacted by a gas leak that has gone unresolved for a while. If the gas leak is severe enough, flowers, plants, and other leaves may struggle to maintain proper oxygen levels.

Dying houseplants are a major atmospheric hazard, and they should probably be removed from the house until the issue is resolved.

5. Feeling Unwell

Exposure to excessive levels can result in natural gas poisoning. Moreover, a gas leak decreases the level of oxygen in the atmosphere, which can cause symptoms like:

  • Throat and eye irritation
  • Breathing problems
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Suffocation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of focus
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems

Your skin could blister or turn yellow if you come in contact with liquid or compressed gas. Exposure to large amounts of gas might result in unconsciousness or even death. Pets can also be exposed to gas and will display a number of the symptoms mentioned above in the event of a gas leak.

But if you also have stomach or chest pains, issues with your vision, or lose control of your muscles, it might be carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon monoxide (CO) leaks can occur in natural gas appliances; therefore, installing CO detectors can secure your home.

Contact Rub-a-Dub Plumbing In Case of a Gas Leak

Do not take any warning signs of a gas leak lightly. It is life-threatening and very dangerous. As soon as you suspect a gas leak, contact us, and we will immediately resolve the issue.