Faucet with an aerator

4 Ways To Lower Your Water Bill in Tyler, TX

How much do you pay for your water utility each month? Many homeowners in Tyler, TX, don’t realize they might be spending much more on their water bills than they should. You might not think much of how tiny details about how you use water in your home can impact the water bill. However, the […]

Frustrated man after making DIY plumbing mistakes

4 DIY Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Nobody wants to spend money on hiring professionals unless they absolutely have to. Sure, you can take on a lot of home improvement tasks if you fancy yourself a DIY expert. However, your plumbing might require professional expertise. Many people create more problems for themselves by making DIY plumbing mistakes instead of investing in hiring […]

Faucet in a bathtub

4 Plumbing Myths That Are Costing You Money

When it comes to plumbing problems, you will find the internet full of people sharing information and floating around ideas about solutions. Oftentimes, the information you find online can help you fix certain problems. However, believing in the wrong piece of information on the internet could end up with you making the problem much worse. […]