Cure in Place Piping now at Rub-A-Dub Plumbing!

New Technology here at Rub-A-Dub Plumbing! Fix old pipes with Cure in Place Piping! Cure In Place Piping, CIPP, is a trenchless method used for rehabilitating or repairing damaged or aging underground pipelines, such as sewer lines, stormwater drains, and potable water pipes. Instead of traditional open-cut excavation and replacement, CIPP involves inserting a flexible […]

Why Regular Drain Cleaning Services Are Essential for Home

Why Regular Drain Cleaning Services Are Essential for Home

As a homeowner, you’re responsible for maintaining the health and cleanliness of your home—one aspect of home maintenance that often goes overlooked is regular drain cleaning. Many homeowners only consider drain cleaning when a severe blockage occurs, but waiting until there’s a problem can lead to costly repairs and potential health hazards. Read on as […]