A Comprehensive Guide to Residential Septic Systems

A septic system is a type of onsite wastewater treatment system that collects, treats, and disposes of household wastewater in an underground tank and a drain field. Septic systems are common in rural areas where public sewer systems are not available or feasible.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), about 20% of US households rely on septic systems for their wastewater management. Septic systems can be a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly option for wastewater disposal, but they require proper design, installation, operation, and maintenance.

In this article, we will provide you with tips on residential septic systems, covering the costs and regulations and the best practices for maintenance and care.

Residential Septic Systems: Costs and Regulations

Installation costs of septic systems can vary depending on factors such as the size of your property, soil conditions, and local regulations. On average, homeowners can expect to spend between $3,000 and $7,000 for a new septic system installation. However, it’s important to note that these costs can increase significantly if additional site preparation or upgrades are required.

Before installing a septic system, you’ll need to obtain the necessary permits and adhere to local regulations. Permit costs vary by jurisdiction, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Additionally, most areas require regular inspections to ensure the proper functioning of septic systems. These inspections typically come with a fee and help identify potential issues early on.

Best Practices for Maintenance and Care:

Water Conservation

Conserving water not only benefits the environment but also helps maintain the health of your septic system. Excessive water usage can overload the system, leading to backups and potential damage. Implement water-saving practices such as fixing leaks promptly, installing low-flow fixtures, and spacing out water-intensive activities throughout the day.

Proper Waste Disposal

To keep your septic system functioning optimally, it’s essential to be mindful of what you flush down the drains and toilets.

Avoid disposing of non-biodegradable items, grease, oil, chemicals, and excessive amounts of household cleaners. These substances can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the septic tank and potentially harm the environment.

Avoiding Overloading the System

Septic systems have their limitations, and overloading them can lead to backups and costly repairs. Avoid excessive water usage within a short period, such as doing several loads of laundry consecutively.

Additionally, be cautious about the number of people using the system simultaneously, especially during gatherings or parties.


Septic systems are an important part of the wastewater infrastructure in many US homes. They can provide many benefits, such as water conservation, nutrient recycling, and groundwater recharge, but they also pose some challenges, such as potential pollution, health risks, and system failures.

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your septic system, you need to follow the guidelines and recommendations from the EPA, your state and local authorities, and your septic system professionals.

You also need to inspect your septic system regularly, pump your septic tank as needed, and avoid putting harmful substances or materials into your septic system. By doing so, you can protect your home, health, and environment from septic system problems.

If you need help with any septic system service, please contact Rub-A-Dub Plumbing today. We are a licensed and experienced septic system company that offers quality septic system installation, repair, and maintenance. We also provide free estimates and 24/7 emergency service.

Don’t let your septic system become a headache. Call us now and let us take care of it.